Grant Program

Do you have a family member, friend or coworker who has been diagnosed with cancer? We know this can be a financial nightmare for most families. Amber’s Antibodies wants to help ease the financial burden of those who are fighting this terrible disease.

Since inception (2017), Amber’s Antibodies has donated $1,235,650 to over 800 Southwest Florida families through our Grant Program. In the past three years (2021-2024), we’ve donated $818,500 to hundreds of local families fighting cancer!

We host several fundraisers throughout the year to raise money for the program and operate with a 100 percent voluntary board with no overhead. This allows us to donate over 99 percent of all monies earned to our cause. We are proud to say that all of our grants go to families living in Southwest Florida.

If you or someone you know can benefit from our Grant Program, please download and fill out the grant application linked below. Once finished, please email it to

To donate, click here.